What are Real Estate Disclosures?

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Real Estate Lawyer

Selling or even buying a property is not a straightforward task as it involves a plethora of legal and financial processes before the sale is completed. Real estate disclosures are one of the main prerequisites for selling your property. Essentially, real estate disclosure is a document which informs or reveals important information such as defects

Illinois Real Estate Laws

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Real Estate Attorney

Property and real estate laws typically concern things like landlord-tenant relations, homestead protection from creditors, and related matters. Laws regulating the rental market protect both landlords and tenants. In Illinois, for example, landlords must return a tenant’s security deposit within 30 days of the termination of the lease but the state doesn’t limit the amount

Common Property Title Issues: How can an Attorney Help you?

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A nice house in Illinois.

Whether you are a first-time buyer or have been involved in several real estate transactions, it is essential you are aware of different kinds of issues that can arise during the process. In most cases, disputes occur pertaining the title of a property that can lead to headaches and delays in resolving the matter before